
Markup Properties

The General tab contains a button to define the Customer’s Markup. Markup allows you to set a default pricing option for each customer; however, they can be overridden:

To assign a pricing option, from the Customer Editor’s General tab, click Markup.


You have the option of selecting one of the built-in markups from the drop-down list.

Example: A product costs $1.00. You apply a markup of 15%.  On Sales Orders and Shippers, the Price of the product will be $1.15.

Example: A product costs $1.00. You apply a markup factor of 2. The product Price will appear on Sales Orders and Shippers as $2.00.

Example: A product costs $1.00. If you wish the cost of the product to represent 85% of the markup, then the product Price on Sales Orders and Shippers will be approximately $1.18.


Select your method of markup from the drop-down list, enter the markup factor in the additional field, and click Accept. The name of the pricing option will appear next to the Markup button on the Customer Editor.


Related topics:

Customer Selection

Customer Editor - General Tab

Customer Editor - Contact Information Tab

Customer Editor - Security Tab

Sales Orders
